Seven out of ten people today suffer from bad digestion. Our
hectic and hyperactive
lifestyles play havoc with the digestive system. According to Yoga, you have four kinds of stomachs. First is mouth, second is the bladder which you call the stomach, third is small and large intestines and fourth is sphincter valve. Process wise whatever you eat gets digested. Any disharmony in any of these four, causes bad digestion. Some symptoms of bad digestion
include — boils on the body, white patches on the skin, white colour in nails.
Here are some ways to stimulate your digestive system, naturally.
Do not rush your meal, chew slowly and well. When you eat something, you should ensure that each morsel is chewed at least 14 TIMES. Make it a habit. You will notice that as you are chewing your food, it becomes semiluid and is digested easily. Also, the more you chew your food, the more nutrients will be absorbed by the body. Slow eating allows gastric receptors to send a signal to our brains about what we eat, how muchweeatandwhenwearesatiated. Thesesignalshelptodistributetheright amount and the right type of digestive juices in our stomach to facilitate the
process of digestion.
Udak Vyadhi Choorna is an Ayurvedic preparation that can be taken to improve digestion.
1. Lie down in Shavasan. Inhale as you slowly raise your legs above the ground. Bend your knees, bringing your thighs perpendicular to the ground. Inhale as you slowly raise your legs above the ground. Simultaneously place your palms under your head above the ground. Hold the pose for sometime. Exhale as you get back to the initial position. Count your pulse. It should not
2. Lie down in shavasan. Inhale and keep hands off the ground in a comfortable position. Hold the breadth as you raise your upper body above the ground without the help of hands. Exhale as you get back to the initial position. Remember, asans done for digestion are normally dynamic asans.
3. Lie down in shavasan. Inhale and raise both the legs thirty degrees above the ground. Relax and get back to the initial position. Synchronise the moves with breadth. Wait for your pulse to come down to normal count.
Place the hands on the knees, palms facing upwards. Bend the index finger and place it at the base of the thumb. Touch the thumb to the tip of middle and ring fingers. Let the little finger be relaxed and facing upwards.
Do not rush your
meal, chew slowly and well. When you eat something, you should ensure that each morsel is chewed at- least 14 TIMES. Make it a habit.