Shanti, Karma And A Rat


Shiv has his state because he is shant (at peace). If Shiv is not shant, there is parlay (destruction). And Shiv is inside you. So if there is ashanti inside you, you can well imagine the consequences…

Creation, and every aspect therein, is temporary and constantly moving towards ashanti. The more ashant creation becomes, the more men take the unreal to be real. This leads to destruction, and destruction can be physical or spiritual. Physical destruction is apparent and is easily understood. Spiritual destruction, people are unable to comprehend. At the time, they think they are fine and those who are telling them otherwise are fools. They stand on the door of shiv dham thinking they have arrived, but are unable to enter, because they do not have the state. They are surrounded in ashanti, whereas Shiv is shant.


Let us understand this with an example.

Recently we were travelling to Mumbai. We were staying on the topmost floor of a reputed hotel. The walls of the hotel rose vertically with no relief whatsoever. There were windows, but all of them were sealed. Since I cannot stay in air-conditioning, we had taken special permission to open the window to our room.

As you progress in yog, you attract both positive and negative entities. And though there is a shield around yogis, sometimes in deep sleep, there may come a vulnerable moment when negative energies can enter. Therefore, whenever we are travelling, someone does mantra jaap by the window at night when I sleep. On this particular occasion, the sadhak who was on duty saw a rat sitting on the ledge. The instant reaction of the sadhak was to shut the window and bolt it, lest the rat comes inside. Then he wondered, how did a rat manage to climb up a plain wall to reach the topmost floor with all windows closed, and especially in such a renowned hotel where no breach in hygiene is tolerated? The sadhak opened the window to check if rat was still there. It had disappeared.

The sadhaks who travel with me, when they do mantra jaap, they are able to interact with devs and devis. So when the rat disappeared in thin air, the sadhak asked the devs what happened to the rat. The answer he got was –

If a gyani comes in your contact and you hold him tight, and if he has some state, then you will be able to reach till that state. But after reaching there, to enter the door, you have to have karma. Those whose karma don’t allow, for them the doors to higher dimensions shut the same way, as they shut upon this rat!

In the morning, sadhak told me about his experience…he was perturbed. I explained to him that karma is basis of creation. Shiv gives opportunity to all. The ones who become opportunists and forget their karma, those who are ashant, are unable to enter.

The more ashant a person is, more he is embedded in the physical, further he is from truth, and closer he is to destruction because physical is temporary, it is bound to get destroyed. Taking that temporary or physical or ashanti to be reality is a sign of agyan (ignorance). Rat is an agyani. It is said when there is a fire in the jungle, rat survives because it hides in the hole. For a rat, body is the finality and it is able to save it…for some more time, for some more time it eats and drinks. But rat remains a rat, and the body destroys very soon.

Whenever we want something in physical, we create ashanti of that level and when we want something in spiritual, we create shanti of that order. The difference in shanti and ashanti is the difference in sukshma (subtle) and sthool (gross), vidya (reality) and avidya (unreality), Shiv and Maya. Rat represents the gross, unreal and maya, it represents ashanti.

Strive for shanti. Shanti is the basis of Vedas, it was given 50-60 thousand years back, when there was no religion, for entire mankind. Surya (sun) is shant, hence its state. It may appear to be volatile, but that is the sun’s frequency of shanti. Every aspect of Creation, sun, moon, earth, various dimensions, all have their frequency of shanti. When this frequency is disturbed, there is chaos/destruction.  Sthool, avidya and asmita (ego) are signs of ashanti. Utpatti (Creation), vidya and gyan are signs of shanti. The one who is shant, nothing is impossible for him, no matter the circumstances or surroundings.

Put your life in karma, what has to leave will go anyway, don’t forget the rat. If you don’t have karma, the door will be shut on you. When the door is shut, the wise rat would sit for tapasya then and there. The foolish one would go down to start all over again. Better to improve your karma from day one.

Whether you are 18 or 80, whatever time is left for you, spend it in doing positive deeds. Negative is doing for yourself. For yourself, you only do to get pleasure, and pain is an equal and opposite reaction. There is nothing wrong in pleasure, but simultaneously generate so much positive karma to balance out the pain.

Karma is the basis of Creation and also the basis of your births and rebirths, helping those in pain and distress will get you higher births and looking away – lower births and pain for yourself. You cannot escape the laws which run Creation. They are the basis and also the fundamentals of life and death, birth and rebirth. To experience their reality first begin the basic practice of Sanatan Kriya. It will bring you to a state of balance and from there you would be able to peep into the real world, from darkness to light, tamso ma jyotirgamaye…


If a gyani comes in your contact and you hold him tight, and if he has some state, then you will be able to reach till that state. But after reaching there, to enter the door, you have to have karma. Those whose karma don’t allow, for them the doors to higher dimensions shut the same way, as they shut upon this rat!


Yogi Ashwini

Yogi Ashwini

Yogi Ashwini is adept in the ancient sciences of Yog, Tantra, Spiritual Healing, Mantra-Chanting, Yagya, Past Life, Art of Mace and Vedic Martial Arts. With an Honours in Economics, a Masters in Management and a successful business, he is an eminent writer for leading dailies and journals, an acclaimed speaker internationally,author of global bestsellers on ancient sciences. After studying the being for decades, spending years in silence and having interacted with the Himalayan masters, Yogi Ashwini propounded the Sanatan Kriya, an assimilation of the eight limbs of Patanjali Ashtang Yog. The sheer magnetism of his persona and radiance he exudes, even at 50, and the experiences one gets just by being in his presence, are enough proof of the efficacy of practice. His two decades of pioneering research on anti-ageing, published in the book ‘Sanatan Kriya: The Ageless Dimension’, has found validation in the recent studies by leading international universities. Thousands have benefited physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually from the practice of Sanatan Kriya, which is taught across the globe free of cost. He runs nearly 14 schools for street children,funds education of blind girls at NAB, organises food distribution camps, generates employment for underprivileged, feeds stray animals at more than 100 centres daily and gives medical help to all those who come to him…humans or animals.

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