When we read the Puranas or the Upanishads we find descriptions of great scientific advancements, stories of paranormal abilities and direct interaction with Gods. Also when we look at the various monuments left behind by the ancients we see amazing engineering feats and a very advanced architectural knowledge. Not to mention that most of the supposed modern day discoveries are already given in our texts. Why is it then that so many invasions have taken place and so many times our temples have been looted and plundered if we had such an advanced culture with so much knowledge?
If you look around you’ll find an answer. We are all part of Shiv and this entire creation is His form. It is only when the urge for Shiv inside us becomes very strong that He is able to feel us. This is just like we have a body with various organs, some more pivotal than the others. Like our hair and nails are that part of our body that do not feel any pain or pleasure but if we get even a slight cut anywhere on our skin, it pricks us and we are constantly reminded of that body part due to the pain it experiences. Similarly try to become the nerve of Shiv. Create so much heat and attraction within yourself through the powerful practices of Ashtang Yog, following the Yams and Niyams in totality, undergoing penance and tap so that you become the nerve of Shiv from His nail. Your connection with Him is so powerful that every time you undergo pain, He experiences it too and is forced to look at you and give you what you desire. The degradation of the vedic culture began when its custodians began selling it and using it for their own selfish gains. The wealth of the temples were used for private luxury, penance was forgotten, sadhaks became businessmen selling all aspects of this precious science without understanding an iota of it and all the nerves changed into nails, all of them became an unimportant part of Shiv. Obviously it was not Shiv or the vedic practices anymore, it was attachments, boundations of Maya and pleasures of the 5 senses. Evolution was no more the aim, pleasures became the finality of physical life. With avidya all around obviously this culture had to go, it had to be invaded, the wealth had to be redistributed, all the phenomenal forces and gyan had to go to dormancy as it was not required – for only what is required is given to us.
Shiv exists and so do all the energies which the Vedas talk about. All the Gods are there, the siddhis are for real, all that the Vedas talk about are real for the Vedas are real. All we have to do is to turn ourselves from unreality into reality, experience the pain that an animal goes through when butchered, experience nature inside you, feel yourself as part of creation and only then Shiv will feel you as a part of Himself and you shall experience the reality or Vidya.
Shiv is in all aspects of creation, in every atom but it is the consciousness of that atom which chooses to be aware of Shiv or in other words communicate with Shiv or elsewhere. It is the unreality which takes the consciousness elsewhere on the veils of maya. I invite the readers to Dhyan Ashram if they desire to remove these veils and face the supreme reality.