Sanatan Kriya: ‘The Ageless Dimension’ (Book Review)


Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension is primarily a thesis on longevity, perfect health and anti-ageing. The learned author Yogi Ashwini connects the reader with human lifestyles nearly 6000 years ago, and shows how, down the ages, man himself has been responsible for his physical, mental and spiritual deterioration.

Written in a coffee table format, with a smooth flowing, racy narrative style, complemented with pictures and tabulated information charts, replete with authentic quotations from research journals published by the Western Universities and Research Institutions, the book is a pleasure to read. The author dons many roles as he explains the process of ageing in the human body. As a scientist critically examining the ageing process with scientific precision, as a philosopher drawing from  the scholastic storehouse of ancient Vedic scriptures and at other times like a  modern guide telling  people that they themselves are responsible for their ailments which with some  effort  they  can get rid of.


The main thrust of the argument is that if the rishis of the ancient times could live a long, healthy and satisfied life, then what ails the youth of today?…plagued by problems like obesity, diabetes, disorders of the vital organs, cancerous growths, when they should be hale and hearty. Modern   man uses alarmingly excessive portions of medicines, drugs and chemicals which make him dependent and helpless; he is snuffed out at the age of 40. Alienation, anxiety, stress,  jealousy,  depression,  negative   attitudes,  over   indulgence,  over reaching,  waywardness,  casualness,  extraordinary   ambition,  the  socio-economic  rat   race  are   some  of  the  deplorable  factors  that  make  life unbearable and distorted with  the  result  that  the  human  body  begins  to wither away. In desperation people turn to cosmetology, artificial environs, beauty salons, gymnasiums and all other forms of unnatural lifestyles.

Yogi Ashwini holds, that longevity,  health  and natural  beauty  is directly linked  with  the  process of  internal  cleansing, fitness, strength  and rejuvenation  through proper diet, routine, and basic understanding of oneself. Through  the  different chapters, he describes techniques and  steps  that  help prolong  life, add meaning to  it, and raise it  from  the  level of  the physical to the ethereal. The process of ageing which develops in all   the different layers of the human body is well expounded with remedies mentioned alongside. The writer weaves  in and out  of  the   physical, the philosophical, the yogic, the medical and scientific aspects  of life with remarkable ease, finally  convincing  the  reader  that   it is high   time  to   look   inwards into  the lost  paradise  that   resides within each one of us.  Like Socrates, he implies, “Know Thyself”

Back to nature is the watch word of Yogi Ashwini. The authenticity of the illustrious author is remarkable. Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension is the need of the hour. As one  goes  through  the  volume,  it  lifts  the  mood  and  shows  the righteous path to health and happiness.


Author: Dr Satnam Kaur

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