Creation is a balance of the positive and the negative. It is these two aspects which make a complete whole. Some people have a little more of negative and some a lot more, similarly on the other side some have little of positive and some a lot more of positive. This is a reality at the individual level. There is nobody who can be in the body and yet say that, “I am totally negative or totally positive.” Even saints have to maintain some levels of negativity in the body to be able to continue in the human existence. If there is complete positivity, then the body disintegrates and a higher existence is given. On the flip side, if there is only negativity then also the body disintegrates and a lower level of existence is given, like pishacha yoni etc.
Even in the Sat and Treta yugs when rishis like Bhrigu and Agastya lived in the bodies, there was negativity around. Asuric forces tried to destabilise creation by interfering in their havans and yagyas. These rishis had the abilities to protect themselves and destroy any asuric force which was disturbing their yagyas, yet they never took any direct action themselves. They always took the help of the Kshatriya clans for their protection and for the protection of yagyas. These rishis were all positivity and had the ability to be in the physical body or a higher devic body, but they always chose to be in the physical as they had duties to perform and had to ensure the safe movement of the manifested creation, which got its energy from their mantras and yagyas.
The example of Rishi Vishwamitra is prime in the Tretayug, where he took Ram and Laxman to protect his yagya. He could have done without them also as he had phenomenal energy at his command, but he took them. Firstly, because he did not want to disturb his tapa and secondly, because he wanted to increase the karmic positive balance of Ram and Laxman as during their course of life, they would be doing certain acts which could be considered negative karma and they needed to be washed off them, indicating here that the Guru knows exactly what he is doing and that certain acts of the Guru could be interpreted by the normal mind as selfish but actually they are always for the benefit of the shishyas and the creation.
Whenever a positive act is being done, for example, charity or a yagya, people with strong asuric traits [something Iike am sure all of you would have experienced] would try and stop the practitioner by creating all kinds of hurdles and disturbances. But the practitioner must go on doing them…holding the hand of the Guru. These asurs will fade away….into their respective yonis.