There is a student of mine, she has been given certain intense sadhna and was having experiences of the subtler worlds at regular intervals. Suddenly the experiences stopped happening. I noticed she had started using her intellect and her ego was going very high, hence the experiences were not happening. Yog begins where the intellect ends. So I called her to the room where I do dhyan and made her sit in front of the asan where I sit for dhyan. Within fifteen minutes of simply staring at the asan, she started sweating profusely, lost control over herself and had an emotional outburst. It took her nearly two hours to normalise after that…

I sit on that asan for long hours every day, I do not expect normal people, who try to understand everything intellectually, to have an experience of that energy because the intellectual mind and brain do not understand energy, they do not have the experience of energy and hence they cannot relate to energy. I just made her experience, for a while, a higher dimension. Hence the reaction.

Yog is a subject of energy. A yogi relates to an individual not by his appearance, or colour of skin, or birth or intelligence, but by the energy of that person. Every individual is born with a specific energy pattern depending on the karmic balance of that individual. Guru upgrades that energy. It is not necessary that the intellectual mind will understand the process.

Looks and riches are only a manifestation of consciousness. From a higher consciousness it is easy to manifest a lower consciousness. So to manifest looks and riches in the world of the physical is a very easy process, only the consciousness has to be raised. Any kind of looks or riches are possible to manifest after that. This is this science behind blessings and curses which one can get from a spiritually evolved being.

Every individual has his/her own energy and what makes one person different from the other is the frequency of that energy. There are grosser frequencies and subtler frequencies, and then there is the subtlest of the subtlest, sukshma iti sukshma, which we call as God.

The grosser the energy, the closer one is to the physical creation, the five senses and their related experiences and tries to assess everything with those senses. Such people are enamoured by physical power and high position and socio-administrative structure of society. They are far away from reality of creation because for them that chair is real and their egos and minds do not let them access or experience subtler forces.

At a different spectrum of energy, one assesses things around with logic and intellect. We must understand here that yoga begins where the intellect ends because intellect is the barrier between the real and the unreal. Assessing the guru using intellect is a foolish exercise and takes you away from the subject because if you could understand the guru with your intellect, you would have been a guru yourself.

At a yet different frequency of energy, the intuitive mind comes into play, where a person is able to look beyond what can be understood intellectually. The more intuitive you are, the higher the brain functions. Intuition is beyond logic and intellect. It is a higher state of mind which gets activated by the touch of the Guru.

Finally, there is subtlest frequency, the realm of Divinity. People who fall in the same spectrum of energy relate to each other, and those in different spectra are unable to comprehend each other. It is for this reason only that even though God is in everywhere, it cannot be experienced by ordinary men, because there is a difference in frequency of energy. Forget divinity, such people cannot even fathom the force of The Guru. They take the Guru to be another socio-economic position, a little lower than, for example, the chair of the president of chamber of commerce.

In order to have an experience of yog and the energies that run this creation one needs to merge with the frequency of that energy. Just like a radio set has to be tuned to the frequency of the channel you wish to listen to, similarly your frequency to be tuned to receive the shaktis, the devs and devis. Then the experiences follow. Guru has to be approached with humility keeping aside the power which the chair on which you sit commands, because this will end shortly. While the Guru’s force has no upper limit for you provided you are able to connect with it and not compare it to a socio-administrative post. Just sitting in presence of the Guru and connecting will give you the desired experience. A Guru is not to do antics on stage or speak big-big things, he is to channelise the force. The look of the Guru and the silence which he exudes are enough. It’s important to connect with that silence and that look. Experiences of subtler world will happen. On the other hand, if one sits and waits to hear and see things which one understands intellectually then definitely nothing will happen.

That lady was just one example, there are many who despite having had experiences are unable to relate to energy because they try to understand with the intellectual mind and brain. It is not their fault, since their frequency is different and they are doing nothing to increase that frequency. Specific yogic sadhnas like Sanatan Kriya when performed in tandem with charity and service as prescribed by one’s Guru work to upgrade the frequency of an individual.

Categories: The editors pen
Yogi Ashwini: Yogi Ashwini is adept in the ancient sciences of Yog, Tantra, Spiritual Healing, Mantra-Chanting, Yagya, Past Life, Art of Mace and Vedic Martial Arts. With an Honours in Economics, a Masters in Management and a successful business, he is an eminent writer for leading dailies and journals, an acclaimed speaker internationally,author of global bestsellers on ancient sciences. After studying the being for decades, spending years in silence and having interacted with the Himalayan masters, Yogi Ashwini propounded the Sanatan Kriya, an assimilation of the eight limbs of Patanjali Ashtang Yog. The sheer magnetism of his persona and radiance he exudes, even at 50, and the experiences one gets just by being in his presence, are enough proof of the efficacy of practice. His two decades of pioneering research on anti-ageing, published in the book ‘Sanatan Kriya: The Ageless Dimension’, has found validation in the recent studies by leading international universities. Thousands have benefited physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually from the practice of Sanatan Kriya, which is taught across the globe free of cost. He runs nearly 14 schools for street children,funds education of blind girls at NAB, organises food distribution camps, generates employment for underprivileged, feeds stray animals at more than 100 centres daily and gives medical help to all those who come to him…humans or animals.

View Comments (1)

  • Very thought provoking article. As a scientist definately agree on the point of only people of same frequency can relate to each other..