This Monsoon Cast A Hair-Spell!

The cool showers and winds, light up our faces. But for our hair, it is a constant battle. Humidity and stickiness in the weather leave them dull, lifeless and frizzy. This monsoon try a bit of magic on your mane…

Aloe-olive Spell

Aloevera is a miracle plant when it comes to hair. It is beneficial in not only treating dandruff, split ends and hair fall but it also restores pH balance, reduces hair bacteria, relieves scalp itching and promotes hair growth. Nourish your hair with an aloe-olive oil hair mask in the rains.

Ingredients: Fresh aloe gel from 1 stem, 3 tablespoons olive oil, egg yolk from 1 egg.

Mix aloe gel and egg yolk in a blender, till it forms a paste. Warm the olive oil for 10 seconds and mix with the paste. Apply on brittle and dry hair with hair brush and let it rest for 4 to 5 hours. Rinse off with a mild shampoo.

Fenugreek Potion

Fenugreek is truly a wonder spice used in different recipes, little known are the wonders it works for hair regrowth and preventing hair fall. Fenugreek seeds leave your hair shinier and thicker and also cure scalp infections.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds, 2 tablespoons plain curd.

Soak the fenugreek seeds in 2 cups of water over night.In the morning, remove excess water and grind the seeds. Add two spoons of curd in ground seeds to make a paste. Apply this paste on scalp and along the length of hair. Let it rest for 1 hour. Rinse off with cold water.

Minty Hibiscus Formula

Hibiscus, known as gudhal in Hindi, is a super flower for hair. It helps reduce hair fall, induces hair growth and also prevents premature greying. Mint, on the other hand, contains menthol which has anti-bacterial properties and promotes hair growth as well as keeps hair hydrated during the sticky monsoons.

Ingredients: 20 hibiscus flower petals, 3 teaspoons mint paste, 2 lemons.

Crush the hibiscus petals into a paste and mix well with the mint paste.Mix with the juice of 2 lemons.Apply this paste on the scalp for 30 minutes. Rinse off with a mild citrus-based shampoo.

Enjoy the magic of this monsoon with stunning hair!

  1. Wash your hair regularly with a mild chemical-free shampoo.
  2. Avoid dryers and hot-rolls, air dry your hair naturally.
  3. Stay away from hair styling products, they weaken the roots causing hair fall.
  4. Say no to plastic combs. Use a wooden comb with wide tooth.
  5. Hydrate yourself well by drinking a lot of water and fluids.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: beauty
Naina Pahuja: