Till recently Saraswati was regarded as mythical river. However an expert committee of geologists, archaeologists and hydrologists claim to have found sufficient evidence of its existence in the ancient world, 4000 years back. Efforts are now being made to revive the river in Haryana.
The seven-member committee, headed by Professor K.S. Valdiya of the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), in a report commissioned by the Water Resources Ministry concluded that evidence from palaeochannels — remnants of defunct rivers — suggested that the Sarsuti-Markanda rivulets in Haryana were the water courses of the “eastern branch of a Himalayan river” and the Ghaggar-Patiali channels were the western branches.
Earlier, NASA and ISRO mapped the Saraswati River through satellite imagery and ISRO established that Saraswati River existed at least as far back as 7000 BC. The articles, ‘New findings on the course of the River Saraswati’ by A. K. Gupta and others reveals that the Saraswati River existed in ancient times and its source was in Himachal Pradesh. It passed through the states of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat before merging with the ocean in the Rann of Kutch.
The Rigveda mentions the Saraswati over 40 times calling it ‘ambitame naditame devitame’, that is, the best of all mothers, the best of all rivers and the best of all goddesses.
Editor’s note
A word of caution, these places are not for tourism and must not be frivolously approached for “fun”. The energies in these places are conducive for sadhaks and those treading the path of their Guru to further their own spiritual journey on the path. If they are used for social outings then you will disturb the energies there and bring misfortune to yourself. The various calamities that happen at such places are ample proof of this. These places are for vairagya and moksh, not for fun and games.
If you want to complete a sadhna without disturbances for your spiritual evolution, then these places are ideal for you.