Yathaa Shikha Mayuranaam, Naaganammanayoyatha Tadvadvedaangasaastranaam Ganitammoordhanistitham’ This sloka, as mentioned in the Vedaanga Jyotisham, the irst known work in astronomy,…
The Inner World draws on information from the golden heritage of yoga, with articles on Ayurveda,Travel,Beauty, Home Affairs, Vedic Culture and much more
Yathaa Shikha Mayuranaam, Naaganammanayoyatha Tadvadvedaangasaastranaam Ganitammoordhanistitham’ This sloka, as mentioned in the Vedaanga Jyotisham, the irst known work in astronomy,…
Thousands of years ago, there were such marvels built that defy today’s science. The way it has been made just…
Also known as ‘sarso’ or ‘rai’ in Hindi, belong to the mustard plant which is part of the cruciferous plant…
You have been here before. You take birth and come again for what you have done, and you pay or…
The puranas narrate the episode having faced defeat for the asur army at the hands of devas, daitya guru Shukracharya…
Patanjali now details the outcome of pratyahara, ततः परमा वश्यतेन्द्रियाणाम्॥५५॥ tatah paramaa vashyatendriyaanaam ॥55॥ Tatah: from this (pratyahara) Paramaa: highest…
There is a reason why yogis and tapasvis after reaching a certain stage in sadhna, they limit their interactions with…
There are various indications that prove you are on the right path and should keep moving forward. The energies that…
Vedic masters recognized that all lifetimes have connections with those of the past. The souls are immortal and the mortal…
The entire Creation emerged from just one sound, that of ‘Om’. Every sound in the Creation effects a change in…
Have you ever heard of someone recovering from extremely high fever within a matter of minutes? Shivering from pain at…
A miracle is actually a fact of nature, which is beyond the capacity of the normal mind to interpret. As…