Cows are innocent, selfless animals. They nourish and nurture us. Why then, do people impregnate cows, separate them from their calves, throw chilly into their eyes, stuff them into trucks, deprive them of food and water for days together, and then illegally slaughter them?
Has humanity reduced to just wanting to satisfy the taste buds and caring about nothing else?
To not eat beef and to not increase the demand for atrocities towards these animals, there are biological, spiritual, health related, lawful, ecological, physiological, ethical, historical and karmic reasons. One should at the very least be aware of these reasons.
You think you can get away with anything? Maybe you should reconsider this thought. Because what goes around, comes around. It may not come back in the same form or manner, but it definitely will. At least think about the negative karma you accumulate by increasing the demand for atrocities towards these animals. The cow is an evolved, emotional and intelligent being. The karmic implications of causing atrocities to it are extremely severe and the benefits of serving it are multifarious. The awareness of this fact reverberates throughout history. Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal emperor declared as his enemy any person who sacrificed a cow, bull or calf and made such an act punishable by death. Several other Mughal Emperors such as Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, and Ahmed Shah imposed restricted bans on cow slaughter.
Religions and cultures across the globe have emphasised upon serving the cow and opposed consumption of its meat. In the Vedas, the cow is called as ‘dhenu’, the residence of all bounties (dhenu sadanam rayeenaam – Atharv Ved 11.1.34). Cow slaughter is called a crime as heinous as human murder (Aare gohaa nrhaa vadho vo astu – Rigveda 7.56.17). In the Bible, in Issiah – Chapter 66, verse 3 mentions, “He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man.” Sura Al Bakr of Quran, in naming the quadrupeds for sacrifice, does not mention cow sacrifice, and states that the animal has to ‘paak’ (pure) – that is, it should not be injured, diseased or stolen etc. The condition now, however, is that, most cows and calves that are slaughtered feed on garbage, are plagued with disease and are illegally procured. In his entire lifetime, the Prophet himself is not known to have partaken cow meat. Iranian scholar and a brilliant philosopher of Islam, Al-Ghazzali, in his book, Ihya Ulum ul-Din – The Revival of Religious Sciences (part 2, page 23, lines 17-19) said, “The meat of the cow is marz (disease), it’s milk is safa (health) and its ghee is dava (medicine).”
Consumption of beef has also been considered heinous to health according to several accredited researches. One should at least care for one’s own health. Beef contains a plethora of toxins like dioxin, uric acid, nitrites, e coli and other contaminants. It is toxic to the liver. It increases the incidence of cardiac ailments and Type II Diabetes. One additional serving per day of unprocessed red meat raises the risk of total mortality by 13 per cent, says a study by Dr. Frank Hu of the Harvard School of Public Health. Cows which are slaughtered, are frequently seen eating garbage, plastic, sanitary waste, etc. on the roads which leads to a host of diseases. During the process of impending death, a lot of hormones and toxic substances are released in the body of the animal being slaughtered. This is toxic, can cause an artificial state of hyperarousal and the incidence of depression is higher in people who consume beef regularly.
The laws of India do not permit cow slaughter in most states. One should at least follow the law.
Human beings have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. Between what’s good and what’s not. Think about the karmic implications of what you’re doing. Think about your own health. Contemplate on what cultures and religions across the world tell us. Have the courage to watch videos that show how your food comes on your plate. Follow the law. At least, at least, at least, for once, think beyond your taste buds. Please.