Short Selling In Creation


Creation is cyclical in nature. There is an upward curve followed by a downward curve. We are presently on the downward curve of Creation, the peak of Kalyug. If you look around, everything is on a decline or is deteriorating fast.

Let us take the health of humans as an example, if you compare your body and level of activity to that of your grandparents when they were your age, you would find they had fitter and stronger bodies and were able to do much more work than you are able to. Then if you go back a few hundred years and compare their bodies to those of their forefathers, a similar trend would be observed. In fact, there is modern research which confirms that the brain size of humans is shrinking with time.


Not just health, the quality of food, air, water and environment is all on a downturn. Forests are disappearing fast, foods are laden with toxins, water is contaminated, the air is unbreathable and wildlife is thinning out. In general, negativity is increasing—the disease is on the rise, as is crime, theft, deceit and atrocities against animals. Creation is moving to the pits, and so are we, as part and parcel of Creation.

What does one do then? Is there a way to escape the inevitable?

Students of commerce will tell you of a phenomenon called ‘short selling’. When the markets are going down, the seller sells a security which is not owned by him at the time. It is motivated by the belief that the price of the security will go down in future, enabling it to be bought back at a lower price to make a profit. Thus even when the market is overall going down, the seller is able to make profit or rise.

The phenomenon of short selling can be applied to the curve of Creation as well. What’s traded here, are karmas. You do not have the karmas but sell them off by doing good for the Creation. Interestingly, since the Creation is on a downward slope, there is plenty of opportunities to do good karmas—save animals, feed poor, nurse the sick and when the Creation dips further, these karmas help you stay afloat. So even as the Creation moves downward, you rise and pave way for a higher birth.

What is higher and lower birth, do an experiment. Shut off all lights in your room and draw curtains. Nothing should be visible, not even the LCD of your television. Shut yourself in this room for a whole day without sleeping or eating/drinking, you will get an experience of lower births after death. Then get up before sunrise, breathe in deeply. Face the rising sun and chant OM for 30 minutes you will experience a higher birth.

So now you know that your fate after death will be one of the two depending on your karma and if you believe there is no life after death, then come to Dhyan Ashram, I will make you experience it. And, I would like to add here that good karmas are not going to religious places, but doing good deeds for the less fortunate.

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Yogi Ashwini

Yogi Ashwini

Yogi Ashwini is adept in the ancient sciences of Yog, Tantra, Spiritual Healing, Mantra-Chanting, Yagya, Past Life, Art of Mace and Vedic Martial Arts. With an Honours in Economics, a Masters in Management and a successful business, he is an eminent writer for leading dailies and journals, an acclaimed speaker internationally,author of global bestsellers on ancient sciences. After studying the being for decades, spending years in silence and having interacted with the Himalayan masters, Yogi Ashwini propounded the Sanatan Kriya, an assimilation of the eight limbs of Patanjali Ashtang Yog. The sheer magnetism of his persona and radiance he exudes, even at 50, and the experiences one gets just by being in his presence, are enough proof of the efficacy of practice. His two decades of pioneering research on anti-ageing, published in the book ‘Sanatan Kriya: The Ageless Dimension’, has found validation in the recent studies by leading international universities. Thousands have benefited physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually from the practice of Sanatan Kriya, which is taught across the globe free of cost. He runs nearly 14 schools for street children,funds education of blind girls at NAB, organises food distribution camps, generates employment for underprivileged, feeds stray animals at more than 100 centres daily and gives medical help to all those who come to him…humans or animals.

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