“Spirit resides in the body, body is formed and disintegrates, changes form. The consciousness also changes form. It is a continuous process, there is no end to body or consciousness changing form.”
Physics tells us energy can neither be created, nor destroyed; it only changes form. Also, the sum total of various energies remains the same. So, when a person dies, what we term as ‘dehant’ or the end of the body, when the body is cremated, the elements that come out, their sum total or weight remains the same.
An experiment was done where they weighed a near-dead person and measured the change in weight at death, and they found a slight difference. No one could explain the reason; they hypothesized that some gases leave the body at the time of death. Spiritually, it is the weight of karmas which a person carries throughout their lifetime that causes that flux. The grosser the karmas, the greater is the difference.
If you go to a crematorium, you will notice that certain bodies take time to disintegrate, while some others burn in no time. Once I had gone for the cremation of a person that I knew was a pious soul. Within 20 minutes of putting fire to the pyre, the body was gone. I asked the pandit, how did it disintegrate so soon. The pandit replied, ‘punya atmahogi.’ I asked how he concluded that. He said, ‘the weight is lighter. I have been seeing cremations for so many years. Some bodies disintegrate fast, some take days.
Our shastras also talk of the same laws. The body made up of the five elements merges back into the five elements. When the end time comes, what we call as ‘antkaal’ and interestingly what the Muslims also call ‘intekaal’, the body is gone.
But then there is something else which is not the five elements, what happens to that? For example, when we scan people remotely, we are able to distinguish between them. We have on many occasions proved that there is more to the body than we see, including in front of the doctors of the Indian Medical Association.
What is that which is not the elements? It is called consciousness. Consciousness is a level of prana which is different from the physical. During scanning, we are catching that consciousness of the elements or cells in the body.The five elements can only be scanned by five senses. Aura is a part of consciousness.
Spirit resides in the body; the body is formed and disintegrates, changes form. The consciousness also changes form. It is a continuous process; there is no end to body or consciousness changing form. What you looked like when you were a kid, what you look like now, or what you will look like after 30 years— which of these is you? You are changing form continuously. This is the secret of the spirit.
Nothing in creation is constant; it either goes up or down. The frequency is upgraded or downgraded; it never remains the same once unleashed in creation. For example, when we speak something, you hear words for some time, after that the sound is not heard. Why? Has the sound gone? No, it has changed form. It has gone to a higher or lower frequency. Every sound or dhvani you unleash stays in creation. Only, it keeps changing form. This is the secret behind the science of mantras.
If consciousness evolved, you take higher form. If it is devolved, a lower form is assumed. Karma is the key. Karma decides your consciousness. As a young adult, I had a very wild lifestyle. Then I developed this urge to learn esoteric sciences. I went to a teacher, a wise person, who told me that there was no point in reading, for I would not understand a word. He said, ‘you will only understand what you experience. Just go start feeding hungry.’ I asked what will happen. He said, ‘do and see what happens.’ I started doing. After some days, while crossing a farm, I felt a strange sensation inside when I saw carrots being plucked. When I met my teacher, I asked him about it. He said, ‘today you got proof that your consciousness has expanded. Because you are able to feel what is out of your body.’ This happened because I had started feeding people; before that, it was only an intellectual concept for me.