Have you lately been getting very angry? Is anger your second nature? Are you angry all the time? If your answer is yes then you are moving towards the next problem after anger which is hypertension. Hypertension is a manifestation of the weakening of the heart. Excess of negativity and hypertension weakens the muscles of the heart, which is controlled by the Mooladhar chakra.
Just relax and rub your hands together to warm them up and slowly bring them together at your Mooladhar chakra. You’ll feel some tingling at the tips of your fingers. If the chakra is weak then you will feel nothing and your hands will come together without any resistance. If it’s strong, you’ll feel pulsations and resistance as your hands try to come near each other.
The basic reason for the mool chakra becoming weak is hyperactivity which exhausts the vital prana. Don’t forget that prana is limited. The cells of your body cannot be recharged. You can only spend it and hyperactivity ensures you spend it fast. If you want to conserve it, then stop getting angry.
Anger and other hyper emotions increase the metabolic rate of the cell and dry up the fluidity of the body, as a result the body ages very fast. When the metabolic rate shoots up, it results in a faster pulse rate and rapid breathing. These are also the symptoms of a person who is dying. The key to health and longevity is in slowing down. We give here a combination of Ayurveda and specific yogic techniques from Sanatan Kriya to manage your anger.
The first remedy and one of the easiest solutions is sugarcane. Just have two to three glasses of sugarcane juice throughout the day and it immediately has the effect of relieving you of anger.
You may also consume rose sherbet. Take some petals of desi gulab (NOT the english or hybrid variety). The desi gulab is small in size and sweet smelling. The petals are a little bitter if you eat them. Take about 100 grams of petals and boil them gently for about half hour and then filter it. Add a bit of brown sugar and store this solution. Whenever you feel you are getting angry, take a bit of this sherbet, put in some cold water and gulp it down.
When you are angry, the heavy emotions immediately affect the Surya chakra which in turn disturbs the Anahat chakra. Rose has the soothing property of calming down your Anahat chakra.
Whenever you are angry, just sit with your legs crossed and take deep breaths.
Place your hands near your chest with the palms facing outward and with one deep exhalation, push the air in front with your palms, using the force of shoulders. Let the movement be short, do not stretch out your arms completely. Repeat this 7 times.
Next, raise your arms and bring them down rapidly as if you are pulling a rope. Exhale heavily as you clench your hands and bring them down.
Now, bring your hands together in front of your chest and spread them out laterally to push sideways while exhaling heavily.
As you perform these movements, imagine you are doing it to him who got you angry. Within a few minutes, your anger will disappear and you will be calm as a sea.
Say you are so angry that you want to hit or push back somebody, by practicing these movements you will be able to vent out your anger in the etheric realm without hurting the person. The movements will bring down your anger, but will shoot up your pulse. Therefore it is imperative to balance them out with a cooling pranayam.
For this, sit with your legs crossed and spine straight. Gently roll your tongue like a straw and push it out of your mouth and breathe in through your tongue. Bring the tongue back in and exhale slowly. This is a cooling pranayam that helps you relax. It regulates the body temperature by cooling the air going through your tongue.
The cool air has a direct effect on the thymus region which controls your immunity and blood mechanisms. The cool air dries up your throat and therefore we perform the ujjai pranayam to lubricate the throat.
For this, hold your throat with the tips of your fingers as if constricting the throat, till the glottis is partially closed. While breathing normally, make a soft hissing sound as the air passes your throat region. The sound should have a low and uniform pitch. Continue to breathe this way until your breath is normal and relaxed. If you check your pulse after a little while, you will see that your pulse rate has gone down drastically.
The bindu visarg is a nectar which drops from the crown region and is normally consumed at the level of Manipoorak chakra to power routine activities. By constricting the throat, this nectar is held in the throat and it nourishes and replenishes the region.
It is advisable to visit a Dhyan Foundation center near you to learn and practice these asans and pranayams.