This Rudraksha is characterised by twenty faces and twenty lips. An extremely rare bead, the twenty-mukhi represents Brahm, the supreme consciousness, encompassing all the shaktis of Creation. The twenty faces hold within themselves the power of 20 centers – the trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh), the nine planets (sun, moon, mars, mercury, Jupiter, venus, Saturn, rahu and ketu) and the eight digpals, lords of directions (Agni, Indra, Varun, Som, Vishnu, Brihaspati, Vayu and Kuber).
Caution: The benefits of Rudraksha can be experienced only upon attaining proper siddhi of this bead under the guidance of your Guru. It must not be treated as a replacement for medical treatment for any ailment.
Ruling Deity: Brahm
Recommended for: Diabetes, deafness, eyesight
Mantra: Om Hreem Hreem Hum Hum Brahmane Namah