I have been practicing Sanatan Kriya under Yogi Ashwini for the past 2.5 years. Yogi ji has often told us about the various siddhis of yog, one of them being Vaak Shakti – what you speak, happens…
I stay with my parents in a house which is attached to my hospital where I practice medicine and cardiology. My brother and his wife are also doctors working in United Kingdom. Few months back, they had come down to India for their annual leave with their 7-year-old daughter.
My brother’s wife and kid had to take a morning flight from Kochi to Bombay and then to UK, that day. On the breakfast table, I started teasing my niece, telling her that she will not be going that day. She was adamant, as any other kid of her age that she would be in Bombay by the afternoon. This went on and on and I kept on telling her that she will not go.
After breakfast, she went upstairs to pack her bags. Minutes later, she came down rushing and told me something was wrong with grandfather (my dad). We all hurried upstairs. My dad was sitting in the pooja room to do his daily prayers. He was speechless, shivering and breathing rapidly. As we watched him, it became worse and he started gasping for breath and was sweating profusely. I checked his blood oxygen level with a Pulse Oximeter, it was very low 45% (Normal is 96-100%). He was critical and needed to be shifted to the ICU immediately. Unfortunately, I had not started an ICU in my hospital till then and was considering shifting him to a tertiary care-centre. It seemed to me a case of Hypoglycemia; when I checked his blood sugar, it was just above normal. I immediately called help from the hospital and shifted him to his bedroom.
His condition was critical. I closed my eyes and connected with Yogi ji. I remembered Him telling us about the Anahad chakra and how it governs cardiac and respiratory systems. By now my father’s heart rate had shot upto 150 beats per min and I had only started oxygen treatment. The hospital staff were also in a panic mode and there was considerable delay in starting treatment as all the equipment had to be got from the hospital to my residence.
Connecting with Yogi ji, I kept my palms on my father’s chest and channelized energy in the Anahad chakra. What followed was amazing. Within 5 minutes his heart rate and breath rate started decreasing and in half an hour, he was normal.
The medical condition he had was Acute Pulmonary Edema (Diastolic Heart failure) due to a fast heart rate in the background of a stiff heart as a result of being diabetic and hypertensive and with fluids collecting inside his lungs. Medically speaking, a person in Pulmonary Edema needs ICU care and a plethora of medications like Injection Lasix (Diuretic), Bronchodilaters etc. None of these injections were given, and my father normalized. As a medical practitioner, I cannot explain it. As a sadhak, I know it was the grace of Guru.
Because of my dad’s condition, my sister-in-law and niece cancelled their flight and stayed back. It was my words, powered by the shakti of Guru sanidhya, which materialized and made my niece stay. I had my first-hand experience of Vaak Shakti. The gravity of why Yogi ji insists that as a sadhak we should be careful of our thoughts and words dawned on me…because if you are following the path as told and if you say something, it is impossible for it not to happen.
Author: Dr Prasan Prabhakar