We were fortunate to spend the New Year’s Eve with Yogi Ashwiniji, who was visiting Bangalore to check on the condition of animals at the Gubbi Gaushala in Karnataka.
On our way to the gaushala, Yogi ji was explaining how the consciousness expands when you do yog and dhyan under sanidhya of a Guru. He said that the indicator that your consciousness is expanding is when you start feeling the pain of others. We were listening and absorbing his every word, little did we know that we would get a live demonstration of this phenomenon minutes later…
I was driving the car, when suddenly; Yogiji asked if we had sensed something. There were three of us in the car, and all of us looked at each other, clueless. He said, he had just experienced pain. From the rear-view mirror, I saw a man on a two-wheeler carrying 35-40 chickens tied upside down. It was a pitiable sight, I informed him of the suffering. Yogiji then directed to cut in front of the two-wheeler so as to stop the man.
Upon his directions, few of us got out of the car and released the chickens by cutting open the ropes that tied them together. Their legs were tied so tightly that it was difficult to release the rope.
Seeing what was happening a crowd collected and the nearby shopkeepers got us some water to give the chickens who looked completely dehydrated and lifeless. One person from among the lookers on asked the rationale behind rescuing the chickens if they were to be killed in few hours anyway…Yogiji explained, “yes, the chickens would ultimately die and so would all of us. Then should all of us be tightly tied by our legs, suspended upside down and hung on some vehicle in the hot sun and be taken on a long ride? What if we ourselves have to go through this experience, how would we feel. Every being born on this earth has a right to be treated in a way where we do not inflict pain on them/inflict minimal pain on them. Because what goes around comes around, so if we inflict pain, then we shall also be given pain in return.” He further said that if anybody has the capacity to stop pain from happening he should do it and if he doesn’t, he becomes a bigger criminal than the person inflicting the crime. We then put the live chickens in the auto and carried them to our gaushala and gave glucose water to revive them.
It was my first animal rescue operation, and I never felt better! It was a perfect beginning to a New Year…what made it truly happy among the hundreds of ‘Happy New Year’ messages sent by friends in a state of inebriated consciousness.
Author: Dr Mishra