A month back, I got an emergency call from a relative informing that my aunt was critical. The lady at 87 years of age was a chronic dialysis patient, had developed tuberculosis and there was water in her lungs. All the parameters were against her. The doctors had given up, as had the family, and the life support systems were removed. The sons made calls to kith and kin to rush to Delhi, for they were expecting her to go any minute. I too went to Delhi with my mother…
When you walk on the path shown by your Guru, not only are you protected…but the people around you also get the protection…I silently prayed to Yogiji for her recovery and performed a havan at their house on Amavasya. That day she was home, straight from the ICU. She sat up and watched television for the first time in weeks. I took the blessings of my aunt and left the following morning.
How did an 87 year old woman, having been put on life-support system for three weeks and taken off it as there seemed no hope of survival, become fit enough to not just be home but also resume regular activity? The sons and the doctors had no answer. I of course knew…for it was not the first time I have seen this happen. Ever since I have had the good fortune of meeting Yogi Ashwini, such happenings have become a way of life for me.
Even while coming to Delhi, as I boarded the taxi in haste, I shut the door on my toes. I was numbed for a minute and those with me tried rushing me to a doctor. I told them to relax and connected with Yogiji. In no time, the pain disappeared, there was no swelling and after a few minutes not even a recollection, that something had happened to my toe.
The list of experiences that I encounter daily is endless. All I can say is, I feel blessed.
Author: Anjali Burman