Directions have a strong bearing on our life and existence. Sun rises in the east, sets in the west. Earth moves on its axis from west to east. The winds change their direction seasonally to bring in rains, winters and summers. These are observable phenomenon. Energy currents too flow in a directional manner, certain directions being conducive to specific energies.
Last issue, we had touched upon the Vastu Purush and significance of directions as per that entity. In this article we will discuss the basic layout of the house vis-à-vis the four cardinal directions.
Room for Worship: Since the rays of the rising sun first fall on the North-East (NE) corner of any space, it is advised to make the puja room in the NE corner of the house. A tulsi plant may also be installed in this direction. Any building or structure made in the NE is said to have negative impact on mental health and peace of the dweller.
Bath Room: Water is known to flow on N, NE and E sides. Therefore it is advised to construct the bathing room in E direction.
Kitchen: Agni is the presiding deity of SE direction, and so it is advised to make the kitchen in SE. Traditionally, before making food, offerings were made to Agni dev for it is agni that translates as digestive fire and provides nourishment and energy to the body.
Bed Room: Traditionally, room attached to the North-West on the north was considered good for bedroom. Keeping your head towards west while sleeping is advisable as then one wakes up to the east, which is direction of Indra, the King of devas. Sleeping with head in the south, wakes one up to north, which is direction of Kubera, the Lord of Wealth. Sleeping with head in the east direction, wakes one up to the direction of Varuna which helps in development of philosophical thoughts and practices. Under no condition should one sleep with head in north direction, as then he/she wakes up to the Yama in the south, who is the Lord of Death.
Treasury: It is best to keep valuables in the direction of Kuber, which is north.
Storage for heavy things/ Staircase: It is best to keep SW corner as heavy and therefore heavy things like weapons and lumber should be stored here. A staircase in SW is also recommended.
Study Room: It is recommended to build the study room in the west and to face the N, NE or E while studying.
Lounge: It may be constructed in the South for family to rest in daytime. However sleeping in the lounge at night is not advisable.
Toilet: Traditionally it was built in the south direction. However in modern times, with rooms having attached toilets it may be built in west also, but never in NE or SW directions.
Dining: West is considered as a good direction to construct the dining hall, it aids digestion.
Shed for animals/birds: NW is the best direction for taming birds, animals and cattle. Granary must also be on the same side.
Please Note. Above are general guidelines for house layout. Since every individual is different and has different requirements and energy patterns, it best to consult an expert for specific issues.

We no longer construct the house as our ancestors did but buy flats which are bought according to the budget of the family, househoder. So what can you do about the vastu of the house?