Performing upon any cow or other milch animal the operation called phooka or any other operation, including injection of oxytocin given by dairies to their milch animals in order to induce milk, which is injurious to health,” is a cognizable offence with imprisonment for a term which may extend upto two years, states Section 12 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960.
Yet almost every dairy in the country today is thriving on the deathly-toxin called Oxytocin, to earn their daily livelihood & many making a cozy one at that…
Ever walked into a dairy before?
I have.
The sight that greets is that of 50 or more cattle crammed in a small space, overpowering stench and dung all over, even flies don’t find the place welcoming. Skin disease, infection and injury are common to almost all the stuffed cattle. This is not just a violation of Article 51A-G of the Constitution which confers upon every citizen the duty to protect animals but also of Article 21 which states that all life forms have the right to live with dignity.
Most such dairies operate in dingy basements, where cows never see the light of the day, torn from their newborns and injected with oxytocin, impregnated artificially without any breaks, their udders red and sore with excessive milking…and bulls, well they don’t exist, for a male calf is packed off to slaughterhouses as soon as they are born, which by the way is a criminal offence under section 429 of IPC and anti-cow slaughter laws. This continues for the entire ‘productive’ lifespan of a cow, when they run dry…they too are sold to the butchers.
In a typical dairy, cows are raised drinking water off the drains and feeding on toxic wastes from open garbage dumps. According to the 2015 Allahabad High Court Order dairy owners who leave the cattle to drink drain water must be booked under Section 289, 428, 429 IPC, Prevention of Cruelty towards animals 1960 and Police Act. Yet illegal dairies are flourishing, cattle are suffering and humans are consuming toxic milk, as Municipal Corporations and Police maintain inertia.
So the milk that you get, is a concoction of toxins – from the sewage water she drinks, the garbage and sanitary wastes she eats, the chemicals that are injected into her and the worst of all, curse of the mother whose baby is weaned from its very milk.
OXYTOCIN in your milk leads to:
Imbalanced hearing and weak eyesight in children
Exhaustion and loss of energy
Weakened immunity and deformities in newborns
High risk of post-partum hemorrhage
Hormonal imbalances including early puberty
A cow holds back some milk for her calf even after milking is over. However, oxytocin injection contracts the cow’s uterus draining out the milk involuntarily. This causes immense pain, like that of giving birth, twice a day!
Given the pitiable state of cows, the horrid conditions in dairies and hazards of toxic milk, volunteers at Dhyan Foundation are working closely with nearly 200 dairies in Delhi, covering areas of Masoodpur, Vasant Kunj, Kotla Mubarakpurhar, Delhi Cantonment and Najafgarh – by sensitizing the people, educating dairy owners, rehabilitating old cows and male calves, conducting cattle census, reporting defaulters, and more. Join the movement, visit the dairies in your locality and share your findings. Let us insist on a healthier life for us and for the animals. #9911185002