Infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive despite staying together and trying in a proper manner for a period of 6 months. There are 2 types of infertility: primary infertility, where the couple has never been successful, and secondary infertility, where the couple has been successful in having a pregnancy once or multiple times, but the outcome is not relevant and there is an inability to conceive again after that.
The process of conception is a very beautiful and delicately balanced process. The female produces the egg from the ovary which is picked up by the tubes adjoining the uterus. It waits for the sperm to arrive and fuse to form the embryo. Millions of sperms are deposited in the female genital tract by the male. They must swim up, find their way countering a lot of hostile factors, cross the uterus and reach the tube where the egg is situated. Finally, one lucky sperm gets to fuse with the egg to form the embryo. Any hindrance in any of the multiple processes which need to happen simultaneously can result in infertility.
In our society, it is popularly believed that an imbalance in the female reproductive health is the prime cause of infertility. But it is not so. Research indicates that male and female reproductive health factors almost equally contribute to the problem of infertility.
- Male factor infertility: 30-40%
- Female factor infertility: 30-40%
- Combined (where both factors contribute): 20%
- Unexplained: 10%
The male and female reproductive systems are very delicate systems which try to function in a very fragile and delicate balance. The testis and ovaries are organs which produce the gametes or the seeds for the pregnancy. These are highly sensitive organs which are affected greatly by the internal and external environment.
There are non-modifiable factors like genetic and congenital problems which inherently affect the functioning of the reproductive health systems. Being called non-modifiable, there is not much we can do about it rather than adapt to the situation. The modifiable factors are the ones which are focused on during evaluation and treatment.
Evaluation includes a detailed assessment of both partners, their relationships, and lifestyle. Thorough physical examination and the necessary investigations targeted to confirm the diagnosis are done. During evaluation, it becomes clear whether it is a male or female factor infertility or possible contributions from both sides. Despite all evaluation, if no cause is revealed, it is termed as unexplained.
Present-day lifestyle is such that the very food we eat, water we drink, and air we breathe is filled with toxins. All these toxins have a direct impact on our reproductive health. Xenoestrogens derived from heated plastic food containers, estrogen, and antibiotics which enter our body through the highly unethical and commercial dairy and meat industry wreak havoc with our reproductive systems. In addition, the fad diets, high sugar, and highly processed fast foods, aerated drinks all create chaos in our body. The internet penetration and smartphone connectivity have played a big role in hampering the healthy relationship between individuals.
The simplest solution is to go towards nature, not away from it. Conception, as I have highlighted above, is a very beautiful and delicately balanced process, wherein if the body is in a state of balance, it happens naturally without effort. Women of yesteryears used to conceive and deliver naturally in an effortless manner and used to stay healthy and active till a late age. The key is to move towards a state of balance by being cautious about what you consume and what you practice. One needs to look into mental, physical, and digital wellbeing also. Sanatan Kriya is a powerful yogic tool to achieve a state of balance in various spheres of life. Always seek the advice of an expert before you venture into any form of assistance.