Ayurveda does not talk about disease or about symptomatic treatment but talks about imbalance and treating the root cause of the imbalance. In all the articles in this series, we have emphasized on balance, as balance is the key to a healthy, glowing body and a balance between doshas, dhatus and malas, (wastes) is the key to health.
A balanced body would radiate a glow and would act like a magnet, attracting all those who glance at it. The neo health fads prevalent in today’s youth like dieting and having foods laced with steroids and special diets to bring about a thin or a muscular frame are all health hazards, and have drastic side effects in the long run. Certain very serious ailments of the immune system emerge in such people and most of the somato-psychic problems have their roots here. That depressing mood of yours is a direct result of your very special diet. It is safest to stay with nature, eat everything and take the help of natural products to lose weight.
One of the seven dhatus, which maintain the equilibrium in the body, is medas or fat, an essential part of us. Fat is also very essential for a healthy existence. It is only when kapha aggravates medas dhatu that the balance is disturbed and a person gains excessive weight and becomes unhealthy. In Ayurveda, the herbs which reduce the fatty tissues and support fat loss are called Lekhanas. These are prescribed in the various formulae to manage the disturbed kapha in the medas dhatu. Their action causes burning up or starving the fatty tissues. This results in drying up the fat.
Generally herbs which are bitter and pungent are effective in weight loss. Pungency of the herb provides heat and burns the fatty tissue. For example, cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin, basil not only burn the fat but also stimulate digestion and increase the digestive fire. Bitter tasting herbs like fenugreek are effective in starving the fat.
Fenugreek is one of the most beneficial herbs known to mankind, it detoxifies the body and purifies blood. The beneficial enzymes in fenugreek aid digestion of fat, carbohydrates, sugar and proteins. Most nutritive way to eat fenugreek is eating the sprouts. The water in which seeds are soaked can also be consumed. Young leaves can be added to sandwiches and salads. Fenugreek is also effective in clearing mucous conditions especially from the lungs. Fenugreek seed tea causes sweating, which releases toxins through the skin and is effective in bringing down fever.