Jewellery in India has been associated with prosperity and auspiciousness through antiquity. Traditionally, there were specific jewels that were adorned by a person at specific stages in life, and the reason was not mere ritual, but deep rooted understanding of human physiology as possessed by our ancestors. Here are some examples,
Ear studs or earrings: Traditionally, ears were pierced for all children, boys and girls at any early age. As per Sushruta Samhita, it protects the child against evil forces and stomach ailments. Acupuncture says that putting pressure on these points activates the brain cells, and thus improves the cognitive development of a child. Perhaps also the reason why our elders would pull ears of a naughty child!
Nose studs or ring: Traditionally, when a girl was about to get married, her nose was pierced, piercing was done on the left side of the nose. The left side of the body represents the shakti aspect, the feminine force, and as per ayurveda relates to the female reproductive organs. It is said that pressure on this point, helps reduce menstrual pain and eases the pain of childbirth.
Wrist ornaments: If you would notice, ayurvedic vaids identify the doshas of vata, pitta and kapha in the body from the pulses at the wrist joint. Traditionally, gold kadas or kangans were worn by men and women respectively to balance the tridoshas in the body with the purity and radiance of gold.
It is said that glass takes the negativity directed at the wearer. When glass breaks in the house, it is taken as a positive sign as whatever untoward was to happen, is said to have been averted. Traditionally green glass bangles were adorned by newly wedded bride as their jingle would release positive vibrations in the house and also protect her from the evil eye. Green colour signifies growth, prosperity and fertility.
Toe ring: Again, worn by married women, in the second and third toe of both feet. As per traditional medicine, a specific nerve passes through the second toe which connects the uterus to the heart. The toe rings help keep pressure on this nerve to help in conceiving a child and also regularising the menstrual cycle of a woman.
Maang tika: Adorned at the agya chakra at the time of marriage, this is symbolic of the highest union of Shiv and Shakti, at the agya chakra and is worn to aid the journey of the bride and groom.
Not just the location of ornaments, but also the choice of material was well thought out by the ancients. Gold was traditionally worn torso upwards, and silver below because of their correspondence with sun and moon energies respectively. As has been discussed in earlier articles, stones were chosen with care, every stone having a specific effect on the body.