‘What is Makar Sankranti?’
On a cold evening at Dhyan Ashram, on the auspicious day of Makar Sankranti, the ancient secrets were revealed as vedic chants made the entire atmosphere vibrate with positive energy.
Two havans were conducted simultaneously and sadhaks, who had come from all over the globe, eagerly waited for Yogi Ashwini. Upon the completion of the havan the living master came. The special session began with a question, ‘What is Makar Sankranti?’ A simple question led to many interesting revelations to all present.
Makar Sankranti is associated with the change in the movement of the sun from Dakshinayan to Uttarayan (sun has reached its southernmost point, starts its journey northwards). Sadhaks who do the samyam kriya (with the rising sun) are well aware that now this is not the case. For the sun’s movement changed sometime in December. This shift has happened because of the change in the tilt of the earth’s axis. As per ancient texts this shift signifies a dimensional change. In this last phase of kaliyug one is left wondering what this change means…Tsunami happened because of a small change in the tilt; where are we headed now?
The sandhya of Makar Sankranti is most powerful and is also called maha sandhya. In the words of Yogiji, “When you do dhyan in the mahasandhya while maintaining the awareness of your Guru, you get an experience of shakti…and yog is your own experience, rest everything is useless. Till the time you have the experience…it is no good for you.”
There’s more to Makar Sankranti…
While the day is marked by festivities and offerings, a very important aspect of this day is charity. Charities done on the day of Makar Sankranti reap manifold results. Service and charity are an integral part of Dhyan Foundation, where the volunteers harness the energy of each day through a plethora of activities such as Save a Cow, Feed a Dog, teaching kids at the Anand Vidyalayas, langars, blanket distribution, child sponsorship and much more. If you’d like to join us in our endeavours, contact Dhyan Foundation at 09810044035 for further information.
Image: Dhyan Foundation